Evangelism training

Train up your team or congregation to live a lifestyle of evangelism

"Code: RED" - Evangelism Training

At CHMI we have developed our own evangelism training program “Code: RED”.

This informative program was compiled by Evangelist Matthew Lee, who has over five years of experience in one-on-one and group evangelism. Through his efforts he has led over 2000 people to the Lord through personal evangelism.

The program consists of a comprehensive 17 page manual, which contains information about the training as well as additional reading about evangelism and the evangelist. This manual can be distributed to those who attend the course.

The training itself takes no more than a few hours to complete, whereby Ev Matthew goes through the content of the manual, shares personal testimonies and trains up the attendees in various methods they can use to be more effective supernatural witnesses for Christ. The training is followed by a practical session, whereby attendees will be given the opportunity to go out and put into practice what they have learnt. The training concludes with a Q&A session after the practical outreach.

Should you wish to invite CHMI to conduct this training at your church, or if you would like more information concerning the training, please fill out the contact form below to get in touch with us.


Alternatively you can get in touch with us using the details below…

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