some of our latest instagram posts

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Who's been watching season 2 of the Weekly Word of Encouragement?
This week we released our 18th episode. We've also been releasing a bunch of reels, extracted from the various messages.
Head over to the Evangelist Matthew Lee Facebook page or YouTube channel to check them out.
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #DailyDevotional #Jesus

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Today marks the day that Christ's Heartbeat Ministries International officially became registered and recognised as a valid NPC, 6 years ago...
Happy 6th birthday CHMI!! We are in awe of what God has accomplished in and through the ministry over the past few years - to God to be all the glory and praise! We're excited and expectant for what God has in store for the ministry in the year and season ahead!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each of the ministry's friends and partners. Without your prayers, love, and support, it would not have been possible for us to reach this milestone...
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #HappyBirthday

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Hey family
As 2024 begins we would like to wish you and your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We trust that 2024 will be a year of open doors and taking ground - that God will take you from glory to glory in all areas of your life.
May 2024 be a year of seeking and fulfilling God's will for your life, in greater measures than ever before...
Please click on the Linktree in our bio to view our special New Year video message, and a Word from the Lord for 2024, from us to you...
If you have not yet viewed our Christmas and New Year newsletter, you can also find it in the Linktree in our bio.
With much Jesus-love from Evg Matthew, Monique & team CHMI
#Evangelist #Revivalist #Revival #EMLmin #CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #Bible #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #church #SouthAfrica #Newsletter #HappyNewYear #NewYear #2024 #OpenDoors #TakingGround

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Hey family
Just dropping in to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
We hope that you have a wonderful day with friends and family, celebrating the birth of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ
Please take a moment to read through our official Christmas and New Year newsletter, from us to you...
(to download and view the newsletter, please click the Linktree in our bio)
With much Jesus-love from Evg. Matthew, Monique and the CHMI team
#Evangelist #Revivalist #Revival #EMLmin #CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #Bible #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #church #SouthAfrica #Christmas #NewYear #Newsletter

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Our October 2023 newsletter is out!
Lots of exciting content inside. To download and check it out, please follow the Linktree in our bio...
#Evangelist #Revivalist #Revival #EMLmin #CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #Bible #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #church #SouthAfrica #Newsletter #MissionsTrip #Teaching

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Wishing all the ladies a happy women's day!
With love from
Evg Matthew & Monique Lee and the CHMI team
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #Womensday #HappyWomensDay

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Our July 2023 newsletter is out!
Our longest newsletter yet! Lots of exciting content inside. To check it out, please follow the Linktree in our bio...
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #Bible #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #church #SouthAfrica #Newsletter #MissionsTrip

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Our Easter 2023 newsletter is out!
Lots of exciting content inside. To check it out, please follow the Linktree in our bio...

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Hey family
Wishing you all a happy resurrection Sunday!
With much Jesus-love from Evg Matthew, Monique and the CHMI team
Please check out CHMI's Easter 2023 newsletter by clicking the link in our bio...
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #Easter #resurrectionsunday

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Have you checked out our new From Heaven at Seven initiative, the Weekly Word of Encouragement?
You can catch new episodes every Monday at 7am CAT, on the Evangelist Matthew Lee Facebook page and YouTube channel...
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #WeeklyWordOfEncouragement #Encouragement #VideoSeries #VideoEdits

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Hey family (late update)
As 2023 begins we would like to wish you and your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We trust that 2023 will be a year of favor and supernatural increase - that God will take you from glory to glory in all areas of your life.
We want to encourage you to make 2023 a year of drawing nearer to God, and to prioritize seeking and fulfilling His will for your life.
Please click on the link below to view our special New Year video message from us to you...
If you have not yet viewed our Christmas and New Year newsletter, please check it out using this link:
With much Jesus-love from Evg Matthew, Monique, CHMI & each of our daughter ministries

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Hey family (late update)
Just dropping in to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
We hope that you have a wonderful day with friends and family, celebrating the birth of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ
Please take a moment to read through our official Christmas and New Year newsletter, from us to you...
(to download and view the newsletter, please click the following link)
With much Jesus-love from Evg. Matthew, Monique, Christ's Heartbeat Ministries International & each of our daughter ministries

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Wishing all the ladies a happy women's day!
Join us this Friday night (at 7pm CAT) on the Transformed Youth Facebook page, for our women's day special message from Monique...
With love from
Evg Matthew & Monique Lee and the CHMI team
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #Trans4mdYouth #TransformedYouth #TmdYth #TmdYouth #TransformedSA #TeamTrans4md #Womensday #HappyWomensDay #GirlPower

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BREAKING NEWS: The Christ's Heartbeat July 2022 newsletter is officially out!
To view our newsletter, please click on the linktree in our bio...
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #Bible #Jesus #Christian #Christianity #church #SouthAfrica #NewsLetter

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Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter weekend!

With much Jesus-love
Evg Matthew & Monique Lee, together with CHMI and each of our daughter ministries

P.S: Please join us today at 12pm (CAT) on the Evangelist Matthew Lee Facebook page for the live-premiere of our Easter message and Holy Communion

#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #EvangelistMatthewLee #EvAndMrsLee #GodlyCouple #Easter #Passover #HappyEaster

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Wishing our spiritual father, apostle Theo Wolmarans, a very happy birthday! With love from Evg Matthew, Monique and the rest of the CHMI team.
#CHmini #chrihearminin #MobilisingChristians #Ministry #SouthAfrica #EvangelistMatthewLee #EvAndMrsLee #CFCI #TheoWolmarans #HappyBirthday

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